Masala Chai made in a Thermomix

Thermomix masala chai 

Serves 10

For some reason chai always tastes best when made in large quantities. 

I am not sure if it’s the energetic quality of sharing a pot of chai or just the sheer fact that you are making connections over the cups of spicy sweetness. 

30 gms of jewels of India 

I to 2 heaped tbs orange pekoe tea (or your favourite black tea)

250 ml of water 

1.5 ltr or milk (traditionally with cows milk, best with soy or almond milk for that nutty flavor)

300ml of condense milk or substitute with honey or sugar to your taste 

Blitz spices on (speed 7 for 10 secs )just to bruise spices and release aroma

Add water   (10 mins 120 degrees speed 1)

Add remaining ingredients (10 mins 100 degrees speed 1)

Use basket to strain spices and tea or use a sieve

BYO friends, neighbours, buds, BFF’s and anyone else you can drag along.

Sit, Lie, Lotus, Pray, Meditate, Levitate, Vibrate and most importantly just Breathe and smell the good vibes from your cuppa masala chai!